Saturday, October 15, 2011


It's official I leave out in three weeks to attend the Israel Goodwill Ambassador Academy. I spent an encouraging two hours on the phone with the founders. We all agree, things are changing the Middle East and the approach that was used years ago doesn't get you in now. I have to share a few things the Lord has told me along the way.

The day I heard about the academy my heart nearly leapt out. I thought...could it be another opportunity? It's someone I trust though have never met. I fit the qualifications. In my Bible reading that day I read, (and this is paraphrased because I'm not looking at it but going from heart memory)
"From the house of Judah God saw fit to chose my family and from my family he chose my Father's house and from my Father's house HE saw fit to CHOSE go and do all the Lord commands you to do...Be strong and do it."
As time days past I began to hear other words from the when I felt I should be going but couldn't begin to touch the price of the tickets. "This battle is not yours to fight but the Lords...Take your position, stand firm, go out tomorrow and see all that the Lord will do for you....Do not be discouraged, do not fear. This battle is not yours but the Lord will fight it for you." 
And another day, My gifts and callings are irrevocable..."   "God uses the foolish to confound the wise"
Now I wonder what He has in store. Some of the names of others attending nearly shock me. They are name I've heard all my home schooling years. People I would have wanted to meet but the opportunities never presented themselves. People who were my mentors, whose works encouraged me through tough times. How is it that now I will be "hanging out" with them in a small group for two weeks?

We have seen God work among His people to get a select group to come assist with the initial academy.
He is truly calling only those  that He wants there. It's humbling to know that since day one, my name is on that list.

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