Friday, August 12, 2011


I'm nervous and not sleeping. 
I think of all the emotional upheaval of the last year....The surrender in July '09,
the grief in July '10 from not going and the resolutions of July '11 to begin anew.
The call to go came days after the resolution. I read with disbelief and prayers began.
My devotions: Out of the House of Judah, the Lord God saw fit to chose my house and
from my house He chose my father's home and from my father's home He chose ME....
Now go and do all the Lord commands you to do.
Scary. Was I reading it through my Israel filter? Was I making it sound like He wanted me to go?
Days of reading the Word led to other instructions and all are run through my filter.
Time draws near, money comes in. There's nervousness, a pit in my stomach, fear and yet
I am drawn to go.
I once heard that no one goes to Israel that was not brought there by God.

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