Monday, April 2, 2012

Turning of Tides


(The Wilderness of Zin, Israel)

Last week saw the turning of half a century...Ooo, that sounds bad.
Did someone make a mistake on the birth certificate?? Mom?? 
Thanks goodness I don't feel like it.
It was just another work day for me....same ol same ol. My husband was too sick with pneumonia
to throw that party he'd been talking about for no less than ten years.
If it weren't for my neighbor "On Margaret" the day would have passed
all too quietly. She graciously made dinner and a birthday cake covered in Hot Tamales.
We sat on the porch until way late, visiting, as we do.

During the week I made my special birthday cake, Ummm.
Recipe coming soon.

(The Negev Desert, Israel)

This birthday has been thought of for twenty yrs. I didn't care for 30...the year most women are
dreading....I thought it would be fifty that would concern me. Forty was easy peasy and I loved
those years....Now, what's ahead?
I have so much I want to do still.
 I want to live in a foreign country ministering. 
I want to learn a foreign language, preferably Hebrew.
I'd like to live somewhere cooler but don't want to leave this area because it's the only home my kids would know to come back to...our roots run deep here.
I love speaking to women's groups; I want to do more there. Teaching how to listen for the
whispers of God. He's speaking, who's listening?
I realize my folks won't be here many more years, I want time...
Mostly, I want time to pursue the things that are just now becoming clear to my heart after
devoting years to rearing children. 
I want to help other homeschool moms know the things I know now that I'm done and they are in the midst. I have mountains to conquer, walls to climb, rivers to wade, rocks to jump over, adventures to be had. What is it that you still want to do? What's on your list?

1 comment:

Dee Martin said...

you don't look a day over forty sweetie :) Hope Randy is better soon and can enjoy a belated celebration with you!