Monday, February 13, 2012

What's in a Name?

Hello! My Name Is Zanetta
and I am a: daughter of the Most High King

Do you love your name?
Do you even like it? Know the history behind it?
Was it family name or all your own, have special meaning 
or is it connected to a memory?

I am so happy with my name. You won't have heads turning
to see if someone is callin you from a crowd. It will be just one, me.
My mother found my name in a baby book in the 60's and after that it kind of disappeared from the scene. One lady in our town had the same name as me...One. In the 80's a friend told me it had a Hebrew origin. I thought for sure he'd made that up!
Later I learn Cassanova's mother and I share even the same spelling of our name.
Jews give a lot of thought to the meaning of names and quite often we see something of the owner's character duplicated in that meaning. Or maybe it's prophetic in a sense of that person's future.
Mine means "God is Gracious". It does have Hebrew roots, being a feminine version of John.
Who would have guessed that it would belong to a girl who would one day surrender her life for missions in Israel?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Senior

It's almost time for competition. 
Stefan's Sr. year is winding down. Time is going too fast for me...
for his Dad...for his sister who left home when he was so young. 
The boys are men now and set upon discovering their careers.

Who would have guessed a welder purchased at the pawn shop would have
led to a career path?  The boys were surrounded by tools to experiment with.
It was one of the joys of growing up in the country.
Never did they lack for anything to do.

One too many football injuries led him here. 

A good man can work with his hands and his mind.

For all the areas he does not regard details, he completely makes up with his welding.
He is attentive and detailed in his work.

“So send me a master craftsman who can work with gold, silver, bronze, and iron..." He must be skilled... 2 Chronicles 2:7

Every day after high school he goes to the local junior college and learns 
from the teacher and students to become more proficient.
They have embraced his eagerness and determination
to be the best he can be.

Late night practice for this one who is probably the best welding studentthe high school has had in at least 10 years.
Bragging?  Well, yeah, he is the first to be able go to competition.
We're proud!

Good Luck Stefan! 
Keep practicing! God Bless You in all you do.