"As unto the Lord" has taken on a deeper meaning. Last night a friend and I dropped by the pastor's house to see if we could be of comfort or help during a difficult time. As Grammie was in the hospital and it was looking like she would not return to us, we began to do a few things to help prepare the house for family to arrive in the event that she would pass.
When Grammie was still living in Ca. we stayed with her and I began to immediately notice how incredibly particular she was. She wasn't satisfied with clean...it had to be super duper clean and scrubbed. Sheets needed to be tucked and smoothed straight; the edges turned back to show the pretty edging. She lived the way we think we'd like to live if we had time for particulars.
When she moved here, I cleaned house for her for a few months. It was always a joy and I knew what she expected. I always felt a sense of accomplishment and she was so appreciative of the details. Every week I cleaned all the window sills and baseboards and last night I was blessed to clean those baseboards one more time, one last time. It was out of love, out of thankfulness. I dusted one last time the dressers, the pictures, etc... I smelled the smell of Grammie in her little room. It was with saddness that I turned out the light and shut the door knowing this was the last time be among her things as she had left them...
the dishes in the sink, the CD where she'd left it, the cards on the table and her Bibles.
So, as I cleaned for her in her passing...it was as unto the Lord. It is deeply satisfying & comforting. I love and thank God for my every remembrance of her sweet life for now she is healed and walks on streets of gold, is united with Poppa and her beloved Jesus.
How sweet..thank you for sharing...love the first pic of her and Opal...
Since Grammy passed I have not cried. I am just so happy for her. Seeing these pictures of her was a different story. I loved that woman!
What a beautiful tribute to Grammy and to the King she is with.
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