Harvest House
From Masonic Lodge to Mandy's Bar...
We jokingly call it the "bar church"... or maybe the lodge?
We're starting a new ministry in Clarksville.
We are excited about the possibilities that are coming up.
Very soon we will be able to announce the plans.
God is working and people are taking note. Today we cleaned her up
and although there's lots more to do we feel good about the way it looks,
feels and smells! The beer signs are gone. The crosses are hung.
Thanks to TJ and Keitha who came by to visit, lend a helping hand
and donate some much needed items.
Annette worked side by side with us all day...It really was fun.
More details coming.....

A room with view.....
This is a great shot looking over the railing.
This will change over time; we have plans.

This is an area upstairs just outside the apt.

It's going to take some big time scrubbing to get this
kitchen ready to use. The stove is amazing.
We're trying to find what year it is.

Down below shows the backside of the bar which
which is spotless and ready to use.
We can serve a lot of people from here.

Awesome Annette!
We couldn't have done all of this alone and been done
so quickly. She is a great organizer...every time I turned around
to grab a broom she had put things away. Man...she made me want
to stay on task. We got so much done, had great music,
time invested in eachother as we visited is Priceless.