Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord......"
It's been a busy fall and winter around our house. Stefan switched highschools and is now at Paris High. He loves it! It was a busy football season for him and we saw improvements in his abilities on the field. The big rival game against North Lamar brought the injury that would remove him from athletics for the rest of the season.
Jansen who never lets me photograph him has been busy with work and his little red
'69 Volkswagon Baja Bug. It's loud and all little boys race to get a glimpse of it going by.
It's constantly needing work and has brought him loads of fun as he has taken it mudding.
He also turned 18 in January...we did get to take his picture that day.

Many of you know our lives have taken a new turn. We are now full-time missionaries.
Randy left in January to find a place to settle us. We brought Candace and Madison for one more trip home before his departure. Andrew had to work and couldn't come. We are waiting for the day when he's able to make it back to Texas for a visit. We praise the Lord that we have had some great conversations with him lately.
This old farm truck is what the kids learned to drive in when we lived in the country. Randy
would stand inside the door and they would try to peak over the steering wheel and drive all over the open field behind our house. Randy and the boys put a 454 engine it...we recently sold it. That pretty well tore me up. I saw one more thing from my children's childhood leave. One thing we all loved and remembered fondly.
We also lost Blue, our Australian Shepherd who walked beside us faithfully for 10 yrs.
The preparation to move on and remove things that would hinder and worry us while on the field is painful. It's a closing of doors that I am not ready in my heart to close.